• Village Report to Chamber of Commerce – January 2019

     Happy New Year!  The new year brings fresh new opportunities for the Village and Chamber to collaborate on strengthening your businesses and our community.  Before we can do that, I want to provide some information on Village happenings in the last quarter of 2018 that Chamber members may be interested in.
    Public Works helped the Chamber with road closures for Fall Festival.  They also helped beautify the Village with the installation of seasonal decorations, enhancing the experience for residents and guests.
    Plan Commission considered changes to the Village zoning code relating to the use of metal walls and metal roofs.  With the enhancements to design and durability of new products, these materials are more conducive to the Village’s design requirements.  This provides businesses more flexibility in design and costs for their buildings.  Numerous projects were reviewed, modified and approved that add additional commercial and housing options to the Village.
    It seems like a long time ago, but the November general election had a great turnout from Mount Horeb.  There were 4030 voters, which is 78% turnout (89% among registered voters).  Wow.
    A variety of discussions and meetings were held by Village committees, staff and other entities regarding parking in the downtown area.  The Village is looking at enforcement options, replacing or adding more handicapped accessible parking, reviewing and updating signage, and continuing education and communication.  The Village has heard from many Chamber members on this topic.  I’m looking forward to receiving the results of the recent survey the Chamber’s Business Advocacy Committee is currently conducting.
    The Room Tax Commission met to discuss the allocation of 2019 funds.  It was reported that Chamber staff did an excellent job in reporting on past results and future plans.  The Commission voted unanimously to continue utilizing the Chamber’s expertise in promoting our community.
    Completing a task that staff begins within the summer, the Village Board passed the 2019 operating and capital budgets.  The Village strives to be good stewards of tax dollars, which is shown in the budgeting process.   Some operating budget highlights include planning for upcoming staff changes, additional police officer and other additional Village staff to meet the growing needs of our community and cover the reorganization of duties stemming from planned staffing changes over the next 2 years.  Regarding capital projects, the Village continues to utilize a 5 year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP).  This helps smooth out expenses for more consistent planning.  Over the next 5 years, the Village will continue investing in street reconstruction projects and replacing equipment as it ends its useful life.
    The 2018 total assessed value of the Village is just over $707 million, an increase of 12.9% over 2017.  Net new construction was about $24.5 million.
    Now, to look toward 2019. 
    The new Public Safety building is coming along very well and under budget.  I’m looking forward to have the women and men that protect our community located in quality facilities.
    Regarding the potential purchase of the old Fire Station, the Fire District Board and Village Board have received appraisals based on the ‘best use’ of the site.  There have been several offers and counteroffers.  As of writing this, we have not come to an agreement on an appropriate purchase price.
    The Waste Water Treatment Plant had substantial work completed toward the end of 2018 and is on target for it’s planned completion later this year.  The new plant replaces aging infrastructure and adds capacity for the future.  A lot of time and effort continues to go into testing and learning the new equipment, so kudos to staff!
    At the December Utility Commission meeting, the members awarded a $1000 Economic Development grant to the Chamber.  The funds come from our power provider, WPPI, to assist communities with economic development.  The Utility Commission has been alternating the award between the Chamber and EDC the past several years.  The Commission recognizes the value the Chamber brings to economic development in our community.
    The Finance & Personnel Committee authorized Village staff to request bids on renovating the third floor of the Municipal Building for Village use as well as the lower level of the Community Center for Recreation Department use.  Both fiscally responsible renovations would allow our already amazing staff to better serve the community.
    Winter weather notes.  We’ve had a pretty mild winter so far.  For businesses affected, be sure to keep your sidewalks clear of snow.  Not only is it a Village requirement, but helpful to your employees, customers, and clients.  If you have any questions, contact the Village office.
    With the beginning of a new State legislative session, we continue to look at how changes from the executive branch and legislature will affect municipalities.  The Dane County Cities & Villages Association and The League of Wisconsin Municipalities believe gridlock will be more common with different parties in control of the Legislative and Executive branches.  This likely means less new laws, more time for debate, analysis, and compromise.  Setting political opinions aside, there is indication collaboration on local municipal issues is more likely with Governor Evers.  It appears DCCVA and LWM will be able to have a better chance at representing our interests at the State level.
    The application of American Transmission Company’s (ATC) Cardinal-Hickory Creek High Voltage Transmission Line (CHC) is in its public commenting and discovery phases.  Since the proposed line would affect the Village’s property values and opportunities for economic development, I encourage everyone to stay engaged with the process, of which details are often found on the Village’s website or through several of the local organizations.
    As a Village Trustee, I believe open communication is vital to a successful community.  That includes understanding the wants and needs of our business community, represented by the Chamber of Commerce.  Your membership and participation in the Chamber is important for our community’s success, so thank you!
    Here’s to a great 2019!
    Ryan Czyzewski
    Mount Horeb Village Trustee and Chamber Liaison
    *Note: the statements above made are my personal and professional comments as liaison to the Chamber, not official statements from the Board or Village staff.


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