Katharine Beutner writes fiction and nonfiction and teaches creative writing and literature. An associate professor of English at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; previously, she taught at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa and the College of Wooster in Ohio. She edits the the online eco-writing literary journal The Dodge, which is based at Wooster.
Emma Binder is a writer from Wisconsin and a 2023 – 2025 Wallace Stegner Fellow in fiction at Stanford University. They earned their MFA in Fiction from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and have received support and fellowships from the Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing, the Vermont Studio Center, and Writing by Writers. They have received an O. Henry Prize, the Indiana Review Fiction Prize, the Gulf Coast Prize in Fiction, and the Tupelo Press Snowbound Chapbook Award. Their work has recently appeared or is forthcoming in The Best Short Stories 2024: The O. Henry Prize Winners, The Kenyon Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, Electric Literature’s Recommended Reading, Gulf Coast, Indiana Review, and elsewhere. Currently based in Oakland, they are working on a novel and a short story collection.
We are excited to partner with Mineral Point’s independent bookstore for our 2025 reading series. Unless noted, readings will be held at Republic of Letters Books, 151 High St., Mineral Point.