To support MCC's journey please consider ordering one of our charity cocktails or rounding up your tab to donate directly to help families who have to plan for the unimaginable.
Categories: Festivals & CelebrationsCommunity
Take the Annual Mount Horeb Business Survey! This is an annual survey that covers the health and outlook for our local businesses, workforce development needs, and a local compensation survey. Data will be shared in aggregate, maintaing confidentiality. All area businesses are encouraged to take this survey. Enter to win a $100 Shop Mount Horeb eGift Card!
Categories: GovernmentSchoolsChamber Of CommerceWorforce DevelopmentAdvocacy
The Mount Horeb Community Coalition is hosting its second annual joint board meeting. At this meeting, the community coalition, which is made up of representatives from the Chamber, the Village, and the School District, will provide an overview of the work they have been doing over the past year, as well as projects coming in the future. This is a public meeting.
Categories: CommunityGovernmentSchoolsChamber Of CommerceWorforce DevelopmentChild Care EventAdvocacy
Join Us at Adamah Art Studios for a 6 - Session Intro to Pottery Course!
Categories: Arts & Culture
Categories: Arts & CultureCommunity