Mount Horeb K-5 PTO cordially invites you to join us for a super fun Bingo Night
Categories: CommunityClubs/Organizations
Categories: CommunitySchoolsClubs/OrganizationsRecreation & Sports
Categories: Arts & CultureCommunityContinuing Education
Categories: Festivals & Celebrations
Come see “Driftless Photography and Beyond!”, an exhibit of photographs by Vicki France now showing at the Driftless Historium (100 S 2nd St.) in Mount Horeb.
Categories: Arts & Culture
Game night at Brix is every Friday at 5:30! We have lots of games to choose from. We have multiple tables of Dungeons and Dragons Adventure League. This is a style of play that allows participants to join at anytime, but you don't have to play every week.
Categories: CommunityClubs/Organizations